College Success Course
Skills, values and habits for the college-bound student
Skills and Habits - Learn how a weekly cadence of skills, values and habits prepares the mind for success.
Lesson 1: The 2% Adventure
Lesson 2: Make Big Ideas Small
Lesson 3: Vulnerability: A Superpower
Lesson 4: Own Your Development
Lesson 5: Win 7 Days
Lesson 6: Inside-Out Adventure
Feed the Mind - Apply reading skills to reduce stress, expand knowledge and increase empathy.
Lesson 1: Relax and Zero In
Lesson 2: Compelled Reading Wins
Lesson 3: Ray Lewis is Pissed off to Read
Lesson 4: 56 Days of Sharpening the Mind
Lesson 5: Start with Why. Choose When
Lesson 6: Circle of Influence
Fuel the Body - Train the body and mind to work together to attack life's challenging moments.
Lesson 1: Train for the Adventure
Lesson 2: The Power of Intention with Coach Martin
Exercise 2
Lesson 4: The Pre and Post of Elite Training
Lesson 5: Nutrition Matters with Coach Corso
Lesson 6: Begin with the End in Mind
Be the Teammate - Develop selfless habits to strengthen your soul and improve the lives of others.
Lesson 1: Give versus Get
Lesson 2: Reps of Giving
Lesson 3: Pro's Give with Danielle Martin
Lesson 4: Grateful Teammates
Lesson 5: Servants of the Locker Room
Lesson 6: Priorities Win
Lock Matters - Learn concentration methods proven to help you get into and stay in the moment.
Lesson 1: Mental Game of Life
Lesson 2: What the Car Teaches About Focus
Lesson 3: Beating Boredom
Lesson 4: Play Above the Game
Lesson 5: Big League Concentration
Lesson 6: Think Win/Win
Block Areas of Life - Train the mind to block out distractions so you can focus on the task at hand.
Lesson 1: The Unsinkable Ship
Lesson 2: Chunking for Winning
Lesson 3: The Mental Mentor
Lesson 4: Learning to Win
Lesson 5: Hard Work + Smart Work
Lesson 6: Listening with Intent to Understand
Talk with Purpose - Create a deeper connection with others by speaking clearly and listening with intent.
Lesson 1: Small Things Matter
Lesson 2: Public v. Private Language
Lesson 3: “Talk” in the Business of Sport
Lesson 4: The Importance of Empathy
Lesson 5: Talk With Purpose
Lesson 6: Habit 6: Synergize
Build On - Develop a Success Action Plan
Lesson 1: Reflection Leads to Refraction
Lesson 2: Build a Growth Mindset
Lesson 3: Build on the 7-Day Week
Lesson 4: Ryan Davis: Build on Challenges
Lesson 5: Coach Martin: Student In Life
Lesson 6: Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Utilize the compound effect of work and recap the organized system proven to sharpen skills for college success.
Lesson 1: Kobe's Two Essays
Lesson 2: Coach Martin: Work Shows Who You Are
Lesson 3: Work and the Compound Effect
Lesson 4: Compete in Harvard’s Classroom
Lesson 5: Act as’re in college NOW
Lesson 6: 60-Seconds worth of distance run
Lesson 6 Part 2: "If"